Wednesday, January 27, 2010

a lil something

lol, i think this pic doesnt suit what i'm blogging...(or not). xDD the emo side of me. HAHAHA=D
what's the point of blogging if we cant write bout stuffs we want to and pour out our emotions? =p

wahhhh....and my blog has been dormant.

ugh, advance diploma papers been killing me, more likely to be more severe thaN the attempts of seriaL killers, cuz they attempt to kill, haunt, and frighten us frantically. not only that, theY don't even give us the chance to clear off our
minds before releasing the results huh..ahh, I love to whine, don't I? =) that's me me me=p

On the last daY itself, i didnt feel relieved nor happy..what i felt was just like a cluster of clouds floating in the mid air...'piu har piu har' xD that's what you call it in cantonese?///i have this tendencY to use the wrong cantonese idiom
for the wrong situations...keke. And i decided to clear my room rite after the last paper, it took me half of the daY to clean up 3 smaller cupboards, one in the hall upstairs where I stacK up all my used notes and another cute purple cupboard and a mini sized cupboard in my room, where i place all the rubbish and I ended up sneezing for not wearing a mask. eh? I mean not rubbish, they're things that kimyen likes, prezzies from buddies, my clips, hairbands
etc etc. Last, but not least, I had to clean up the enormously gigantic wardrobe where i keep all my clothes =) I...have this tendency of buying new keep?// although I prefer wearing the same old ones...tsk tsk

Ahaha, lotsa things have changed...nowadays..
The trees are dying, new plants cuming uP, parents getting older, lil kids who looked so tinny-tiny once upon a time had growN up, the earth is getting hotter etc etc~~ T.T I've changed too. I'm getting old.haha, so random.

Back a few days, I was meeting up with a friend.. >.< and I..........
almost......... got into the wrong car !!!!!!!
and, the person who was in the wrong car.....was COINCIDENTLY someone I know, which
was even more embarrasing. HAHAHAHAHAHA, that guy looked so suprised wen I tried opening the door, and was about to enter it. LOL! I wonder wat was he thinking at that point of 'this gaL mUST BE CRAZY!!!!' yerrrr..*hides my embarassed face*

LOL, embarassing things do happen to me a lot...yadda yadda~~~ nvm, used to it =(
yerrrr,I'm so sad


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