Thursday, March 11, 2010

the zest of realiTY

It’s been a long time since I’ve fed my blog with posts..It is always not easy to start something, likewise..ain’t easy to to start my posts on blogs. In a blink of an eye,it’s already a few months passed and things has changed. I’ve started to feel the working life as an intern for my vacation training. Ain’t that bad, compared to friends of mine. So, i wouldn’t rant anything bout my working life here.

It’s 8.30 in the morning and I am sitting here, sipping a cup of mushroom soup and dunking lil chunks of bread into it ..yummy and, yeah..relaxing. But life in office wasn’t as ‘luxurious’ as this before, my unit has just been shifted downstairs..into a new office. It’s a totally new environment, but I had no problem adapting to it lah xD since there’s food there. But imagine the few days where u think u would suffocate to death due to excessive inhalation of thinner and other chemicals used for renovation and painting. It was nearly intolerable as I was sitting right below the blasting aircond. *chokes chokes*

Have you noticed that I’ve never mentioned about my love story or anything related here? Nah, booobooo.not going to tell here, in case i have stalkers =P *perasan*

The first week of intern was real boring. I guess, it is better to have something to learn rather than sitting right there looking at the clock ticking..waiting for lunch and yearning to go home. I guess, u would probably say..hey, get sth to do. Of couse i did, read the newspapers again and again..talked wif my friends and get to know each other better...urm read novels etc. But really, it’s tough as time really passed slowly

And to make the matter worse, it isn’t good when someone of authority catches the sight of you not doing anything. What’s the use of paying the interns if they don’t work? Or do sth.But..couldnt blame us loh....didnt assign anything yet ma...rite? rite?? <<>>>.
The second week till the first week of the following month was when i started to at least learn something. Those were the days when it feels like you’ve been thrown to the sea..and to save your own life..(that was when my senior had to go to another place to audit..leaving me alone figuring out things on thefirst day of field work ) hmmm...but then..everything was fine after dat when he finally came back..can kacau kacau senior

Anyways, I think this post will be really long. Shall i cut it into 2 posts? Or make it a whole long grandpapa story? Haha, let’s see where this leads to.
Back to the 3 weeks of field least i got the zest of what working life is about. I was sitting right behind a lady in another cubicle who shouts at almost everyone she speaks to. I Could see, what would it be to have someone so ‘authoritative’ in front of my eyes, while her ‘subordinates’ looked right down onto the floor, nodding their heads with their disagreeing and rebel thoughts. I had the chance to talk to one of the freshies under her.. and this was what she commented ‘yor...she everyday oso shout!how can!! T.T’ Lunch wasn’t good although they were free. Caused tummy ache =( They served cold crabs, donuts, porridge, mixed cold rice, salad, sushi, salmon etc. Yet, they weren’t as good as they sound.. >.< trust me.

Then.. i was back again to the ‘shaking-legs-and-counting-hair-loss days* Life was better, I’ve got to access to the office server and internet. Nevertheless, it was easy to be caught red-handed for playing games, facebooking, watching movies and chatting via msn.

A few weeks after that, I was then assigned to a firm in subang jaya. And that period was kinda hectic. Since I couldn’t drive there, there’s no way I could travel alone thus, the only way to get to the destination was to use the lrt putra to the last station, where my senior would be waiting for me and get back home by lrt putra and starline. wasn’t as bad as i’ve described. Just that it’s harder as i had to carry my lappie here and there along with other necessities like, food, water...etc etc etc etc. And stand the whole day long in the forever-packed-like-sardine-during-working-hours train. As i always reach the office or anywhere an hour earlier, i had the chance to linger around in klcc once i’ve reaced k avenue. Nah, the shops weren’t open..but i had no where else to go..that was how i killed some time... rather than waiting for my senior for an hour in kelana jaya....
Those were the days when KL (specifically avenue K) reminds me of shang hai. As the train stops, people were merging in and out..loading the compartments of the light rails transit. As I walked..people were passing by, really fast..some of them adorned with scarves, some smartly dressed with ties and long sleeved, well-polished shoes,carrying their working bags. And every1 was walking, hurriedly, dressed professionally..everything was so FAST and BUSY. Even the roads were really really really busy. We were stuck in the jam for almost 2 hours after coming back fromthe client’s office.Those days in subang were quite interesting. My senior who’s directly in charge of that company is nice..All seniors here are nice actually =) And they don’t work till 12 am in the morning in client’s office, which means I could go home as early as 5.30-6 pm

Then, I was back to the non-productive life xDD again. Ain’t that bad, I’ve left with 20 pages of twilight novel in just one day. Imagine how much time i’ve spent my time for leisure in the office. LOL @@ <3 <3 But soon, I might go to peeJay and cyberjaya == Hopefully no OT

I could summarize the life of an auditor to be really hectic. Each one of my seniors had been telling me...they have ‘no life’, not much money.Most of their time spent are in the office. Hahaha, ‘all-you-do-is-think-of-resigning’?? that theory applies? Frankly, some even reached the office at around7.30 in the morning (I know itcuz i reach early too =P) and goes home as late as 1a.m sometimes (that was what i’ve heard) and even come back on Saturdays >.< kesian meh...

ohh yea, not to mention. Backache T.T and tired eyes. haveto try to stand up and exercise in the office every few minutes xDDD and BLINK BLINKBLINK *blinks myeyes*


At March 11, 2010 at 9:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...


At May 8, 2010 at 7:42 AM , Anonymous Chien Fei said...

That lady who shouts should learn some manners, I pity your subordinates =) btw, I was hoping to read your love story...LOL


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