the students' registrar(or any1 concerned=p) has beeN so cruel to us...arranging 4 continuous papers,one after another whicH provides us zero capacitY to slacK and lose motivatiON...haiYa, how can they expect students who does revision at d verY last minute to exceL over a night...lalala.Pathetic. I needa master the ART OF CRAMMING!!hahaha
feeling good; I am totally in the mood to blog now.FranKly speaking(typing), I kinda forgotten my password into dis blog and had a hard tiime recalling it. My access was denied, and after several attempts, I was finally welcomed here,lol...at least d Xm board did have mercY on us, to celebrate chInese new year, right before another 2 killer papers...like wat si denise said, we live for tmr' .As if there's no future ahead for us to care...(sweat >.<'') My heart cried out of relieved and was overwhelmed with joY today, hahaha...simply listening to the conventionaL chinese new year songs made me feeL so contented of life.yippie, hong pau na lai..lalala
As soon as was bacK home, I flung my bag and tried to compensate my lack of sleeping time with a long long nap...but my plan didnt work at all. I couldnt doze off
Hmm---- witnessed something significant thru my window todaY. only d ending part, unfortunately...wheN the snatch thief fled. everything happened in a split second, Poor neighbour, aLL she could do was to screaM wheN her belonging was snatched. Haih, the society is getting complicated..sOme uncivilised people wouldn't even thiNk rationally wheN they are too desperate for mOneY. WhY can't they do something legaL rather than facing the risK of being jailEd or fined? Everything doesn't come out of thIn air, particularly Wealth. ^^
Happy Chinese New Year :D