the crazy me
my brain malfunctions and my actions go weird. Here's the prove
- I was holding a piece of trasH in my left hand and an eraser on my right. I threw my eraser into the dustbin instead!???
- I woke up early in the moring one day and squeezed out the facial foam onto the toothbrush iNSTEAD of tOOTHpaste...and brushed my teeth. YaiksS!! It tastes strange
- I have this tendency to off my alarms and not realising what have I done; so to solve this problem, I have to get 4 alarms to wake me up for my 8a.m classes including my parents. zzzzZZ
- Sometimes, what I think contradicts with what I saY
- Sometimes...words don't come out when I actually wann to say sth leaving me speechless
yerr, something wrong wif me..
there are many more actually, but I couldn't think of them right now. My brain doesn't function like how i wan it to be...... forgive me if I've said anything that don't make sense at all to you =P
anyway, I've witnessed something even crazier today@.@ A man sitting in the middle of the road near tar college trying to get himself dead.What an attempt; I don't think that his plan will succeed anyway. Some1 will call the police and drag him off because he was causing some traffic congestion. I should have catch a shot of that scene and post it here and submit it to The Star. Unfortunately, I was WaY toO slOw...wonder what has caused him to so.... why so depressed...?