taking things for granted
There. goes one of the phase of life we would all miss and ponder when we are old. But frankly, to remember how good it was, it wasn't as good as we all have thought and imagined or expected it to be. Anyways, how many times could we fully love something? like..how often would we be passionate in the things we do?
Take holidays for me as an example?// The moments awaiting, the sleepless nights, hugging my pillow thinking bout how fun would it be would be the most fun part out of all. And it,often..but not always turns out to be one. dull. or not so dull. or perhaps..so-so kinda thing.
hmmm....So, awaiting, planning, anticipating. that would be the ones, which actually keeps us going rather than the 'going through' process which could turn out to be the adverse of pleasant. But, this doesn't apply to some exceptional things of course.ugh, whatamitalkingaboutlol
Selfishness is associated with the humankind. and people takes things for granted.
An everyday sin or something which we don't even realise, too obvious to be seen i shall say. Like..when we are cared for, we take things for granted and don't realise it. Like how parents are concerned etc but we take it as noises.
Like, how we take things/ people for granted.
and when we finally lose it, that's the only time which we'd realised how important it is. Like, how we're so used to our surroundings, living with creature comfort all the time, handphones, aircond etc.
Like, how we would go for things which we're yet to have. Ignoring the fact that we are so- the- very lucky to those who......aren't equiped with conditions which allows them to even feel comfortable at all.
Even life is taken granted for.. until it shakens our nerves some bit when we witness accidents, then, it's forgotten. again~ then it's heard no more..life's but a brief candle..a poor player..that struts and frets..LOL.
and in humankind, we can even see people making use of people for their own good.
Yet, people still need to live with people to survive in this world.Else this world would be no world.
As we live in this comfort zone, which we don't find it that comfortable sometimes..we ignore the fact that..we could be worst of having our houses shaken by an earthquake which is unlikely --> 'signs of taking something for granted as well'
or dying because of a car crash--> this is likely, @.@ I pray that does not happen cuz, my driving skills is still..ahaha. Terribly horrible.